Voici une liste de différentes applications liées à l’électronique de puissance utilisant les capteurs à fibre optique d’Opsens Solutions.
La plupart de ces articles ont été présentés lors de conférences et symposiums tels que PCIM et APEC.
Ageing and Failure Modes of IGBT Modules in High-Temperature Power Cycling
Power cycling issues and challenges of SiC-MOSFET power modules in high temperature conditions
Effect of power cycling tests on traps under the gate of Al2O3/AlGaN/GaN normally-ON devices
Study of Current Density Influence on Bond Wire Degradation Rate in SiC MOSFET Modules
Thermal Mapping of Power Semiconductors in H-Bridge Circuit
New Electro-Thermal Model for a Multichip Power Module Used in a Motor Drive
Load-Dependent Active Thermal Control of Grid-Forming Converters
Active thermal management for a single-phase H-bridge inverter employing switching frequency control
Frequency-Domain Thermal Modelling and Characterization of Power Semiconductor Devices
Thermal Stress Analysis and MPPT Optimization of Photovoltaic Systems
Active Thermal Control of Isolated Soft Switching DC/DC Converters
Active Thermal Control of GaN-Based DC/DC Converter
Lifetime-Based Power Routing in Parallel Converters for Smart Transformer Application
Study of Current Density Influence on Bond Wire Degradation Rate in SiC MOSFET Modules